The commission on write-off has summed up the work results for January-April, 2018

21 May 2018, Monday

The commission on write-off of fixed assets and expenses on stopped or (and) to unrealized construction of facilities, owned by the Republic of Tatarstan during the period for January-April, 2018 has held 24 meetings, the applications which have arrived from 328 institutions are considered. From the total number of applications write-off of 2664 morally and physically outdated objects of property, unsuitable to further operation, is authorized,. The greatest number of the written-off objects are in institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The commission on write-off carries out a lot of work on consideration of appeals of public institutions about write-off of the, outdated and unsuitable to further operation vehicles, arriving within the program for optimization of number of vehicles.

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