Data on borders of territorial zones have to be entered to Unified state register of the real estate till January 1, 2021

13 August 2018, Monday

According to the changes in the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation coming into force since 2021 in case of absence of data ̆ about borders of territorial zones in which the land plots on which construction is planned are located in the Unified State Register of the Real Estate (USRRE) delivery permission ̆ on construction isn't allowed. The specified provision is enshrined by the Federal law of December 31, 2017 No. 507-FZ "About introduction of amendments to the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation and separate acts of the Russian Federation".

Changes have also concerned the Federal law of June 18, 2001 No. 78-FZ "About land management", regarding an exception of structure of objects of land management of territories of territorial zones and also their parts. Thus, the procedure of entering of data on borders of territorial zones into USRRE concerning which now preparation of land management documentation isn't required is simplified.

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