Social platform: A national trademark of the Republic of Tatarstan — quality and safety of the food

28 July 2015, Tuesday

       The board of NP "Union of Appraisers of the Republic of Tatarstan", among other social projects, approved the main directions of profile interaction with SUE of the Republic of Tatarstan "National trade mark” this year .    

       Already since the end of last year in the Republic of Tatarstan, , at the request of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, is realized the project of confirmation of quality of food products under the "National Trademark of the Republic of Tatarstan" brand for the purpose of association of producers of the best food of the Republic of Tatarstan and ensuring compliance to production made by them to the highest requirements of quality for formation of consumer confidence and satisfaction of needs of inhabitants of the republic and other regions .

   The summary of the project and information for applicants are submitted on the website of NP "Union of Appraisers of the Republic of Tatarstan"

NP "Union of Appraisers of the Republic of Tatarstan"

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