Fanil Agliullin visited the Republic Spatial Data Fund

3 December 2019, Tuesday

Today the Minister of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan Fanil Agliullin visited the state budget institution “Spatial Data Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan” and got acquainted with his activities.

state budget institution “Spatial Data Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan” was established on the basis of a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan on December 24, 2018. The main activities of the institution: the creation and maintenance of a spatial data fund, a catalog of geographical names of the republic in the Tatar language, the development and standardization of master plans, the establishment of the borders of the republic, the creation and maintenance of a republican state information system for urban development. The criteria for the priority of the preparation of master plans for settlements of municipal regions of the republic are defined. Based on them, a roadmap has been drawn up, in accordance with which the institution is developing master plans for rural settlements.

The institution has developed and implemented the Mentoring project, which allows achieving the necessary work efficiency of new employees as soon as possible. Events are being organized to form and maintain a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

As part of a business visit, Fanil Agliullin also familiarized himself with the progress in establishing the borders of the Republic of Tatarstan. Their length is more than 3.4 thousand kilometers. To date, work is ongoing in conjunction with four constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

At the end of his visit, the Minister of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan thanked the employees of the institution for their work and wished them further success.

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