September 2020

Yesterday,, the meeting under the chairmanship of Minister Fanil Agliullin on the development of documents for territorial planning and urban planning zoning of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan was held at the Ministry of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Within the framework of the meeting, issues were considered on draft master plans for which there is no agreement on the description of the boundaries of settlements, the results of the forestry commission and cadastral works.


Тэги: Urban planning and development of master plans

March 2020

Yesterday, the first meeting of the Presidium of the Association “Council of Municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan” was held this year.

The Presidium was attended by representatives of the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, heads of departments and municipalities of the republic, etc.

As key issues on the agenda, the issues of territorial planning and urban planning zoning of settlements and entering into the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the boundaries of the settlements of the Republic of Tatarstan, maintenance of hydraulic structures owned by the municipalities are considered.

Minister of Land and Property Fanil Agliullin spoke about the progress of work on making information on the boundaries of settlements in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRRE). In his report, he noted that this work is being carried out jointly with the Spatial Data Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, and by the end of 2020 it is necessary to develop master plans for 407 municipalities. Fanil Agliullin also outlined a number of problematic issues that arise during these works, reminded the heads of municipalities to pay attention to these problems, and be extremely careful in providing initial information.

Тэги: Urban Planning and Master Plan Development

March 2020

On March 4, a meeting of the working subgroup on establishing the border of the Republic of Tatarstan under the chairmanship of Minister Fanil Agliullin, with the participation of representatives of the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Office of the Federal service of state registration, cadaster and cartography in the Republic of Tatarstan, the branch of Federal state budgetary institution Federal Cadastral Chamber of the Federal service of state registration, cadaster and cartography in the Republic of Tatarstan, state budgetary institution "Spatial Data Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan" and a branch of the Federal State Budget Institution Roslesinforg was held.

The agenda discussed issues of disputed sections of the border between the Republic of Tatarstan and the Chuvash Republic, special attention was paid to issues of crossing the border between adjacent forestries of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Chuvash Republic. To date, out of 122 disputed areas, 6 remain unsolved. Mostly these are forestry areas: overlapping forestry borders on each other, leading to double counting of forest fund lands, large gaps between borders, leading to underestimation of forest fund lands covered by forest, registry errors in establishing the boundaries of individual isolated areas of forestries, expressed in a shift in the coordinates of the sites.

Тэги: Urban Planning and Master Plan Development

March 2020

Today at the meeting in the House of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan The Minister of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan Fanil Agliullin reported about the progress in entering information on the border of the Republic of Tatarstan into the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRRE).

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov held a videoconferencing meeting with all municipal districts. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin also took part in the meeting.

According to Fanil Agliullin, a working group to resolve issues on disputed borders between the Republic of Tatarstan and neighboring regions of the Russian Federation has been created. Current issues on establishing the border of the Republic of Tatarstan are considered at weekly meetings of the working subgroup, which was formed from representatives of ministries and departments.

The work on establishing the border of the Republic of Tatarstan is carried out by the state institution “Spatial Data Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

The total length of the republic’s border is over 3400 kilometers. According to Fanil Agliullin, 573 problem areas of the border were discovered during the establishment of the border. During negotiations with representatives of neighboring entities, it was possible to agree and remove questions on 202 sections of the border. These sections concerned changes in hydrography and border discrepancies of not more than 15 meters. In particular, questions were raised on 31 sections of the Udmurt Republic, 110 sections of the Chuvash Republic and 61 sections of the Samara Region.

The Head of the Ministry of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan spoke in more detail about the progress in establishing the border of the republic with each of the eight constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

So, the length of the border of Tatarstan with the Kirov region is about 250 kilometers. The Baltasinsky and Kukmorsky districts of the republic are located on the border. Currently, there are 57 problematic sections of the borders.

The length of the border of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Udmurt Republic is about 800 kilometers. Agryzsky, Aktanyshsky, Yelabuzhsky, Kukmorsky, Mamadyshsky, Mendeleevsky and Menzelinsky districts of the republic are located on the border. There are currently 54 problematic sections of the borders.

In Izhevsk, a meeting with the working group of the Udmurt Republic was held, an exchange of source materials was carried out. An analysis of the Udmurtian border option is currently underway. The completion of border coordination is planned in the second quarter of this year.

The length of the border of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Republic of Bashkortostan is about 500 kilometers. On the border are Aznakaevsky, Aktanyshsky, Bavlinsky, Muslyumovsky and Yutazinsky municipal districts of the republic. Currently, there are 66 problematic sections of the borders. The work for the current year, an appeal was sent to the Ministry of Land Property of the Republic of Belarus on the provision of initial cartographic materials is scheduled.

The length of the border of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Orenburg region is about 200 kilometers. The Bavlinsky and Bugulminsky districts of the republic are located on the border. There are currently 55 problematic sections of the borders. The exchange of source cartographic materials was made. The completion of border coordination is planned in the second quarter of this year.

The length of the border of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Samara region is about 400 kilometers. Alkeevsky, Bugulminsky, Nurlatsky, Leninogorsk and Cheremshansky districts of the republic are located on the border. There are currently 26 problematic sections of the borders. The completion of border coordination is planned in the first quarter of this year.

The length of the border of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Ulyanovsk region is about 400 kilometers. Alkeevsky, Buinsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Spassky and Tetyushsky districts of the republic are located on the border. Currently, there are 57 problematic sections of the borders. The exchange of source cartographic materials was made.

The length of the border of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Chuvash Republic is over 500 kilometers. Apastovsky, Buinsky, Zelenodolsky, Drozhzhanovsky and Kaybitsky districts of the republic are located on the border. Currently, there are 12 problem areas of the borders. According to the Minister, based on the results of negotiations with colleagues from Chuvashia, preliminary options for resolving controversial issues have been worked out. The completion of border coordination is planned in the first quarter of this year.

The length of the border of Tatarstan with the Republic of Mari El is over 300 kilometers. On the border are Arsky, Atninsky, Baltasinsky, Vysokogorsky and Zelenodolsky districts of the republic. There are currently 44 problem areas of borders. As a result of the discussion of the issue in the video communication mode with the participants of the working group of the Mari El Republic, an agreement was reached to exchange the initial cartographic materials.

Fanil Agliullin also identified a number of problematic issues that arise in the course of these works. According to the Minister, one of the most problematic issues is the large number of discrepancies between the forestries which were put on the cadastral register by FSBI Roslesinforg. The main types of border discrepancies are overlapping borders of forest districts of neighboring entities on each other, which leads to double counting of forest lands, large gaps between forest borders, leading to underestimation of forest lands covered by forests, and registry errors in establishing the boundaries of separate isolated forest areas, expressed in the displacement of the coordinates of the plots. Also complicating the work in this direction is the presence of enclave territories of the Republic of Tatarstan in neighboring entities, the absence of border-setting performers from neighboring entities, and the unstable work of Rosreestr’s electronic service for ordering cadastral plans for territories from the USRRE.

The completion of the work on establishing the republic’s border in the Ministry of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2020 was decided to coincide with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the TASSR, the minister emphasized.

Тэги: Urban Planning and Master Plan Development

February 2020

On behalf of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the Ministry of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the State Budgetary Institution “Spatial Data Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan” prepared a series of educational seminars in the field of architecture and urban planning for responsible municipal officials for the preparation of master plans for municipalities of the republic. The training is carried out with the aim of accelerating the process and improving the quality of the development of master plans and rules for land use and development.

Welcoming remarks were delivered by the Assistant of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustem Merzakreev, acting Deputy Minister of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan Tagir Khusnutdinov, Deputy Director of the Higher School of State and Municipal Management of Kazan federal university Natalya Aksenova.


Тэги: Urban Planning and Master Plan Development

February 2020

The meeting on the creation of a state information system for ensuring urban development of the Republic of Tatarstan was held.

Тэги: Urban Planning and Master Plan Development

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