Topical issues in the sphere of the land and property relations at the municipal level are considered at the zone seminar meeting with heads of municipal units in the Vysokogorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

30 May 2018, Wednesday

On 5/29/2018 the seminar meeting for heads of settlements on topical issues of local government with participation of the deputy minister of the land and property of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Merzakreev has taken place in the Vysokogorsky municipal district. Representatives of municipal districts of the corresponding territorial zones have taken part in the meeting. In the performance Rustem Merzakreev has taken up the most topical issues in the sphere of the land and property relations at the municipal level. Much attention has been paid to the questions concerning changes in the land legislation, mobilization of reserves of growth of receipts in local budgets and also questions of territorial planning, expansion of settlements, registrations of property in abeyance, inventory and the maintenance of hydraulic engineering constructions and to some other questions.

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