Information on the boundaries of the territorial zones to be entered into the United state register of real estate must comply with the approved documents of the land use and development rules

19 June 2020, Friday

This was discussed during a meeting in the videoconferencing mode, which was chaired by acting  Deputy Minister of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan Tagir Khusnutdinov.

 The State Budgetary Institution “Spatial Data Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan” is working on the creation of uniform standards, instructions for developing master plans and land use and development rules for municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan, and bringing to a uniform procedure for the development and approval of such documents.  During the meeting, representatives of the Fund, the Ministry of Land Property of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Federal State Budget Institution Federal cadastre chabmer of the Federal service of state registration, cadastre and cartography discussed the requirements made by the specialists of the Federal State Budget Institution Federal cadastre chabmer of the Federal service of state registration, cadastre and cartography to territorial zones before entering the united state register of real estate.

 The participants spoke about the assumption of the creation of territorial zones with the same list of types of permitted use of land, but differing in other requirements of the urban planning regulations;  if the territorial zone is represented not by one but by a plurality of contours, is it necessary to form one single description of the location of borders for the entire multi-circuit zone, or is it possible to form descriptions of borders on separate contours or groups of contours of the territorial zone;  on the existence of requirements for the names of territorial zones in descriptions of the location of borders.  The representative of the Federal State Budget Institution Federal cadastre chabmer of the Federal service of state registration, cadastre and cartography in the Republic of Tatarstan assured that the information on the boundaries of the territorial zones to be entered into the united state register of real estate must comply with the approved documents of the land use and development rules, in which case there should be no refusal to register the territorial zones of settlements.

 Also, in the development of master plans, intersections of the boundaries of settlements with the boundaries of forestries are revealed.  When entering information on the boundaries of settlements in the united state register of real estate, the presence of intersections of the introduced boundaries will not be the reason for sending a notification about the impossibility of entering information on the boundaries of settlements in the united state register of real estate.  However, in accordance with the letter of recommendation in the draft territorial planning documents providing for the inclusion of land plots that belong to the lands of the forest fund, and in accordance with the united state register of real estate to lands of other categories, within the boundaries of settlements, it is required to provide the Conclusion of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of forest  relations on projects of territorial planning documents regarding the location and area of ​​forest fund lands that intersect with land plots of another category of land.



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