The list of branches of economy affected by the spread of COVID-19 has been expanded

30 June 2020, Tuesday

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2020 No. 927 “On Amendments to Section 1 of the List of Branches of the Russian Economy Most Affected by the Deterioration of the Situation as a Result of the Proliferation of a New Coronavirus Infection,” passenger transport by rail, sea and inland waterways are included in the list of branches of economy affected by the spread of new coronavirus infection.

Among the support measures that can be used by enterprises from affected sectors are deferment of all taxes (except VAT), as well as rental payments when using real estate owned by state, municipal or private property, interest-free loans for urgent needs and payment of salaries , soft loans at a rate of 2% for any purpose, a moratorium on bankruptcy, conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections.



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