Schoolchildren of the Kaybitsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan learned about virtual reality

18 May 2022, Wednesday

Today, within the framework of the All-Russian educational project in the field of the digital economy, the Bolshepodberezinskaya secondary school of the Kaibitsky municipal district hosted another "Lesson of Digital" on the topic "Virtual and Augmented Reality".

At the lesson, Deputy Minister of Land and Property of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Shameev told the students about the concepts of "virtual reality" and "augmented reality". The children learned in more detail how virtuality is created, where it is used, and who is involved in its creation.

Rustem Shameev also drew students' attention to the professions of the future, urged them to be interested in the IT sphere, to study computer science and programming. In conclusion, he noted that each of them can find themselves in any of these professions.

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