Assessment problems discussed in the Federation Council

30 May 2022, Monday

On May 30, 2022, the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy organized a “round table” via videoconference on the topic “Issues of legal regulation of valuation activities”.

The problems of legal regulation of valuation activities were discussed, including the independence and objectivity of valuation, its mandatory nature, the level of professionalism of appraisers, the quality of valuation, the responsibility of appraisers, the peculiarities of valuation for business, state authorities and local governments, etc.

During the event, representatives of the Republic of Tatarstan spoke: Deputy Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan Edik Diyarov and President of the Association self-regulatory organization "NKSO", member of the Council for Appraisal Activities under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, President of the NP "Union of Appraisers of the Republic of Tatarstan" Andrey Lisichkin.

Edik Diyarov in his speech noted that the state and municipalities are the customer of a special kind of appraisal services, focused on the interests of society. He suggested resuming work on a bill establishing additional requirements for appraisers and appraisal organizations in transactions with state and municipal property. He stressed that, in general, the qualifications of many appraisers remain low, and under the current bidding system, it is not uncommon for the quality of work performed to fail to meet legal requirements and business practice. The speaker also dwelled on the experience of interaction between the authorities and the Union of Appraisers of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Andrey Lisichkin, a representative of the assessment community, spoke about the most pressing issues related to the qualification exam,

new Federal Valuation Standards and draft amendments to the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities” prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development in terms of increasing the level of responsibility, creating a register and an appeal body under the Council for Valuation Activities.

The results of the discussion will be taken into account in the legislative work of the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

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