On May 7, 2014 Deputy Prime Minister of RT- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Appraisers Union Yuri Kamaltynov held a working meeting with the leadership of NP "Appraisers Union of the Republic of Tatarstan".
The results and development directions of non-profit partnership "Appraisers Union of RT" were told by Lisichkin Andrew, president of NP "Appraisers Union of RT".
Deputy Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan, a board member of the Partnership Farid Musin made a presentation on the interaction of Partnership with municipalities and authorities.
During the topical issues of valuation activities discussion Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Partnership made a number of orders that determine the development of constructive interaction between business and government on the assessment market, forming mechanisms to counter unfair competition.
In particular, in two-week period it is offered to formulate proposals on the interaction of Appraisers Union of RT, in order to fulfill its tasks, with the executive bodies of all levels, legal community, municipalities, building databases of price zoning in municipalities, compilation and implementation of municipalities successful experiences on valuation, extrajudicial procedures on disputes resolving, improvement of the appraisers professional level, work expansion and promotion of the non-profit partnership "Appraisers union of Republic of Tatarstan”.
Based on discussions of the proposals at various levels, complex system of formation measures of a civilized assessment market will be implemented under the Appraisers Union of RT which united effective appraisal organizations, employees of which is the vast majority of republic appraisers.